Needlework Archives - You Are My Fave Do it yourself Tue, 25 Apr 2023 14:52:25 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Needlework Archives - You Are My Fave 32 32 How do I sell my products online? Tue, 25 Apr 2023 14:52:24 +0000 Trading on the internet attracts many organisations because it is a great marketplace. There are several sales channels that can be used online. Many companies combine several at once, thereby increasing their profits from sales. Shopping online is convenient, practical and profitable, as most of the buyers are looking for the things they need just …

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Trading on the internet attracts many organisations because it is a great marketplace. There are several sales channels that can be used online. Many companies combine several at once, thereby increasing their profits from sales. Shopping online is convenient, practical and profitable, as most of the buyers are looking for the things they need just through the Internet.

Social networking sites

Internet sales are often made through social networks. This is a proven channel, through which information about the goods and services sold can be quickly conveyed to the target audience. Most often, entrepreneurs use the following social networks: Facebook, Instagram and Twitter. Their main advantages lie in the possibility of establishing contact with potential customers, posting not only textual but also visual content. This means that not only information about the products can be published on social networking pages, but also their photos, thereby stimulating people to purchase, arousing their interest. Promoting products through social networks should be comprehensive, and it is better to enlist the support of professionals in such an endeavour.

Storis on Instagram is a promising media format that users can view around the clock. On social networks are placed short videos, but despite this, they work well for promotion.


Online sales are actively marketed through a website. Launching your own resource is the right decision for any business. In essence, the website is the business card of the organisation. We advise to pay attention to how online casino reviewers make websites, they have an intuitive interface for users. The site can be called the face of the company, so it is important to think about its design, to provide a form of feedback. Carefully check the operation of the resource, make sure that it is available around the clock. A person who has decided to find some information on an adaptive website, working on different devices, or to buy something, should do so without any problems. A resource on the Internet must not only be created, but it must also be promoted effectively, making sure that it is at the top of search engine rankings.


Another popular platform for online sales is Google. Entrepreneurs who wish to set up a Google shop account, add their location, and add photos of the products on sale are left to benefit. The volume of products sold is increasing rapidly.


It does not hurt to set up advertising in Google, thereby increasing the reach of the potential audience. The obvious fact, which for some reason not all businessmen recognize, but advertising in search engines and networks Yandex. Direx, Google.Ads is the most effective way to sell online retail. Here you can form a full-fledged lead generation system in a short time and even with a modest budget.

It’s a good method to get warm traffic. The user has already entered the query he is interested in into a search engine, visited a thematic resource. The task is to show him a titillating ad. It is important to win the auction between advertisers. The audience does not need to “warm up” and this is a big plus. It is already warmed up the moment a request is entered.

As a start can be made to run dynamic ads with pay per conversion and a couple of weeks to evaluate the results.

Advertising in Google and Yandex. Direct is suitable as a start-up and for the build-up of sales. Contextual advertising brings online shops up to 70% of turnover. About this tool of sales can not be forgotten, because it is very effective.

Create a channel in YouTube

Another useful tip for businessmen who want to sell their goods online is to create a YouTube channel. This option is suitable for posting both commercial and informational videos. You can find buyers on YouTube, making people who were not originally interested in buying goods. The main thing is that the videos should meet the requirement of informativeness, have an interesting storyline.

Keep a blog

To stimulate sales, make a blog. Provide information about your products, update the content regularly and make sure it is of high quality.

Do not neglect the periodic addition of new articles. Don’t limit yourself to textual content, publish photos, videos. Each separate article in a blog is a post with the obligatory indication of the author and the date of publication.

The website, the blog, posts in social networks – such a combination will help to achieve success in business, to increase sales by several times. If you use these tools correctly, you can promote any brand, and you can do it in a short period of time.

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Own handwork: main types and types Sat, 05 Jun 2021 11:46:00 +0000 There is a fairly large list of more or less popular types of needlework. Moreover, some of them are already considered international, since history controversially determines the country of their origin. But you can always single out the types of needlework that are most in demand in a particular country, for which certain materials are …

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There is a fairly large list of more or less popular types of needlework. Moreover, some of them are already considered international, since history controversially determines the country of their origin. But you can always single out the types of needlework that are most in demand in a particular country, for which certain materials are used.

The main types of needlework

Despite the diversity, it is possible to compile a relatively accurate classification of needlework if you focus on the material used. And then everything is more or less defined. A clear classification will help a beginner to quickly figure it out and try what he likes best.

What can be made from fabric
The online store of fabrics for needlework gives you the opportunity to try yourself in different directions:

Sewing. This means not only clothes, but also a large number of accessories and crafts, including Tilda dolls and other soft toys;
Painting on silk, or batik. This can be not only a panel, but also as a decoration for items of clothing;
Patchwork (patchwork). A technique suitable not only for sewing household items, but also for creating interior decorations;
Guilloche. A special technique of burning patterns on the fabric. It is used for the manufacture of household items and for interior decoration;
Kinusaiga – making appliqués from small pieces of fabric. In this case, no threads are used.
Popular types of needlework from threads
Anything for needlework that uses threads can be purchased at your regular needlework store. These are threads of different compositions and colors, but also a large number of devices.

Knitting. This means not only knitting clothes, but also various decorations that can be used as kitchen utensils or interior decor;
Yarnbombing (street knitting). To be more precise, it would be more correct to say that this is tying objects and trees in particular. This has become fashionable to decorate parks and other places of recreation for people, and more and more technology is used to tie up interior and household items;
Amigurumi. Technique for creating knitted miniature animals, the size of which is no more than 5 cm;
Quilting. A technique that allows you to create various fragments of patterns and independent figures from threads to compose a general picture. Widely used to decorate postcards, wall paintings, jewelry boxes and a wide range of interior crafts;
Weaving lace for decorating clothes, linen and things that are actively used in everyday life. Including items for interior decoration (for example, using macrame technique);
Ganutel. In this technique, wire is also often used. Correctly chosen combinations and good skills make it possible to get fantastically beautiful jewelry.

Types of handicrafts made from natural materials

  • Ikebana is the most famous type of needlework that came to us from the Far East. The technique involves the use of dried or live plants, flowers and branches. Crafts in the interior look amazing with a sense of proportion;
  • Straw souvenirs. In most cases, these are objects used in everyday life;
  • Mosaic panels from multi-colored pieces of shell. To get a highly artistic work, you need to apply a lot of patience, given the fragility of the material;
  • An even more laborious type of needlework is a mosaic using fish scales;

Solid wood works. This is either burning or painting. In any case, with a high level of skill, very beautiful paintings are obtained;
Oshibana is a rare kind of needlework for Russia, when intricate pictures are made from different processed leaves.

Different materials are suitable for this technique:

  • Gypsum;
  • Natural stone;
  • Bone;
  • Eggshell;
  • Wood.

The most difficult material from the ones listed above is the shell because of its increased fragility, but if a high-level master takes on the job, then real masterpieces are obtained that take a worthy place in the interior, making it exquisite. Another type of carving is considered carving – carving on food. Although such masterpieces do not “live” for long.

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Accessories for needlework Fri, 04 Jun 2021 14:44:47 +0000 Accessories for needlework are the final and very important touch in any product. The fittings add completeness, style and even character to the product. For example, it is impossible to imagine a Tilda doll without accessories. Conversely, tastefully selected fittings make it an irresistible masterpiece. In what types of needlework are fittings usedDefinitely – in …

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Accessories for needlework are the final and very important touch in any product. The fittings add completeness, style and even character to the product. For example, it is impossible to imagine a Tilda doll without accessories. Conversely, tastefully selected fittings make it an irresistible masterpiece.

In what types of needlework are fittings used
Definitely – in almost all, although to varying degrees. Sometimes it is purely functional, but more often it serves as a decoration. Our store has a large collection of high-quality accessories that can be used for the following types of needlework:

Knitting and crocheting;
All types of embroidery;
Creation of soft toys, including Tilda dolls;
Individual tailoring;
And even the creation of some types of jewelry.

Many types of accessories can be used in different types of needlework at the same time. Take the buttons. They are used not only for their intended purpose. Craftsmen create interesting panels from them. A graceful button sewn onto the doll’s clothes will look like a miniature brooch.

Quilting, patchwork and scrapbooking
When we hear about accessories for needlework, most often we mean the manufacture of designer jewelry. Indeed, today the assortment of jewelry is huge, and its price, at times, is high not only because of the materials used, but also because of the highly artistic work. Nevertheless, accessories are also used in such types of needlework as patchwork, quilting and scrapbooking. It is difficult to limit the imagination of a creative person, since you can create beautiful plot miniatures and quite functional things. And here you will need not only buttons, but also all kinds of clamps, decorative locks, connecting rings, beads of different sizes, pins, decorative connecting elements and a lot of small and large gizmos that, decorating, also perform specific functions.

It should be noted that it is these little things that make the thing unique, and most importantly – unique, since there is simply no other such thing.

Individual tailoring

Whatever thing we are talking about, it cannot do without accessories, since it not only decorates, but also connects, fastens, fastenes, etc. All neck accessories are usually divided into types:

And sewing accessories.

Decorative sewing accessories

Its purpose is to decorate and decorate. Therefore, the list here is large and varied:

Beads, rhinestones, sequins;
Beads, from which whole subjects can be embroidered on clothes;
Almost all types of lace;
Braid, which can be either contrasting or matching.

Functional sewing accessories

This includes everything that makes a thing useful and necessary:

Zippers, buttons and hooks;
Kant, which, depending on the material used, performs different functions. For example, the leather edging of the bags gives them rigidity, and the satin edging forms the edge of the product and decorates it;
Buckles, which today are often used even as decor;
Rubber bands.

Sewing attachments

This includes:

Accessory pins in a variety of designs;
Assortment of needles and pads for them;
Threads of different composition and color. They make it possible to sew from all types of fabric, as well as to carry out decorative stitching, depending on the styles;
Patterns, rulers, chalk or a special pencil for cutting;
Shuttles, feet and other consumables.

Many types of sewing accessories are also used to create knitted items, both clothing and household items.


Very often the accessories are used for other purposes, if suddenly a creative person came up with the idea to use non-trivial things to create something unique and ingenious. There is no limit to imagination!

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Needlework for home Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:55:17 +0000 Historically, the origins of needlework go back to those distant times when there was still no industry. But the desire of a person to surround himself with beauty and comfort has always been. Therefore, first of all, women were engaged in needlework for the home. Bed linen, towels, openwork napkins – the basic set of …

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Historically, the origins of needlework go back to those distant times when there was still no industry. But the desire of a person to surround himself with beauty and comfort has always been. Therefore, first of all, women were engaged in needlework for the home. Bed linen, towels, openwork napkins – the basic set of every good housewife since the Middle Ages. In addition, the needlework had quite practical reasons, since the hostess also had to sew clothes for the whole family.

Needlework is not only the source of our culture and art, but also of the educational process, because in Russia it was an obligatory part of a girl’s upbringing. Moreover, it was so popular that not only poor peasant women, but also royal persons were engaged in this. People who had received a good upbringing were not in honor of idleness, therefore, hoops, needles and threads were in every home.

Needlework for the soul
No matter what anyone says, creation is inherent in man to a much greater extent than destruction.

There are several reasons for doing needlework:

  • Aesthetic;
  • Practical;
  • Health and Development Benefits.

Even today, when you can buy any clothes or home textiles, handicraft not only has not sunk into history, but is also developing intensively. There are many more opportunities for this due to the abundance of materials, devices and uniquely beautiful ideas. A hand-made thing has a special quality, especially if it is a gift. This is a sign of special attention, because such a thing requires careful preparation and time for execution. In turn, this speaks of how dear one person is to another, if they thought about him in advance and invested part of their soul.

Modern opportunities for everyone
The presence of a large number of accessories for any type of needlework makes it possible to create unique and even very complex things. We are talking not only about experienced craftswomen, but also beginners and even small children. For example, it is quite easy to master embroidery, quilting, patchwork or creating Tilda dolls thanks to ready-made sets of fabrics, threads and the necessary tools. The sets are pre-selected for the correct and well-combined shades and patterns, and numerous tutorials and tips will help you learn the secrets and techniques.

Needlework is a source of joy and peace of mind, because beautiful things are created from scratch with their own hands, which are not without reason very highly valued in the art world.

Patchwork for the kitchen

A kitchen is a room in every house where the hostess spends a huge amount of time. Therefore, convenience and interior are the main things to always have a good mood. Even the most ordinary thing decorated with patchwork technique will look new and exclusive.

What can be “decorated with a patchwork”

Curtains or light curtains. They can be done in different styles: English, Japanese, chaotic or knitted. The most common and simplest is the English style, when you create a canvas from identical pieces of fabric.
Potholders of various shapes, napkins or hot coasters. They can be made in the colors of the general design concept of your room or made in contrasting colors.

Kitchen apron. Any thick fabric is suitable for him. In this case, you can make the entire apron cloth using the patchwork technique, or just decorate it with applique.

Warmer for a large teapot or teapot. Here you will already get not only a beautiful little thing, but also extremely useful, since this way the heat inside will last longer.
Soft stool cushions. Here, nothing limits the imagination, but we must remember that for this purpose it is better to choose a dense fabric due to the peculiarities of operation.

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Craft boxes Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:52:48 +0000 Of course, you can do without it, and this hardly fundamentally affects the quality of the product. Many people successfully use ordinary cookie and even shoe boxes to store items used in needlework. To some extent, this “simplistic” attitude is due to the high pace of life, when aesthetics often fades into the background. But …

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Of course, you can do without it, and this hardly fundamentally affects the quality of the product. Many people successfully use ordinary cookie and even shoe boxes to store items used in needlework. To some extent, this “simplistic” attitude is due to the high pace of life, when aesthetics often fades into the background. But since the days when handicrafts were born, the culture of having a special box has already existed.

It should be noted that in those days, each craftswoman paid special attention to the appearance of the box, and many preferred to design it on their own. Fantastic beauty caskets made of ivory, precious woods with filigree carvings, inlaid with stones, silver and gilding have survived to our times. They were also covered with fabric and decorated with embroidery, ribbons, and beads. They often had intricate shapes and were upholstered in satin or velvet inside.

Practical little thing
Nowadays, this subject is more required for convenience and practicality. For some, how the box looks also matters, although it is less and less used as an interior decoration. Whatever type of needlework the craftswoman is engaged in, today she can collect a more impressive list of improvised means than her predecessor 100 years ago. All this makes work easier and makes it possible to do complex technical things. Therefore, everything that helps in work should be stored not only in one place, but also in order.

Choosing a casket is not difficult. Its internal space should allow all small devices to be laid out so that they can be quickly found. For example, if you like embroidery (satin stitch, cross stitch, etc.), it will be enough to choose such a box where a set of threads, needles and a hoop will fit. For knitters, a larger box is already needed where knitting needles and skeins of thread can be placed.

The appearance of the box is an important reason to be careful about this. If it is bought for an experienced craftswoman, you can not skimp on expensive design. For a little girl, images of her favorite fairy-tale characters are suitable. And for those who are still only looking for themselves in creativity, you can purchase several boxes in the same style in order to keep order and not mix the sets.

Hobby on the road
If you do not want to deprive yourself of the joy of creativity on vacation or another trip, the box must be chosen, paying attention to a number of nuances:

  • Strong locks;
  • Small size;
  • The strength of the case, including the immunity to moisture.

Summing up, we can say that the box is a necessary purchase, because:

All used items (especially small ones) are in a strictly defined place, so they are easy to find;
You can always take your hobby with you and do it, even when you are not at home;
Choosing a stylish box, you can decorate the interior;
If you stop doing needlework, the box can be used for other items. For example, it will be convenient to store jewelry and other necessary things in it.

Choose or do?

This is a matter of personal preference. If you have an idea and desire to make an individual box, where everything that you plan will be placed in, you will find everything for this in our store. what do you need. But if there is no clear idea yet, you can and should purchase it.

In the store you can find a large assortment of boxes, but before buying, you need to decide the main question – what size it is needed and how its internal space should be distributed.

What to look for

First of all, on the needs of your hobby, namely, what tools you use. For example, knitting takes up more space than sewing.
Also, the fittings should be strong – locks and hinges so that it cannot open spontaneously.
The material from which your box is made should preferably be waterproof. Even if the frame is draped with fabric, it must itself be resistant to moisture.
The box should have a comfortable carrying handle.

Also, pay attention to how easy it is to clean, as anything gets dirty or just dusty over time.

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Embroidery Tips Fri, 04 Jun 2021 13:13:03 +0000 Embroidery is a kind of needlework that has a certain magic. With the help of a set of colored threads, people diligently recreate portraits, landscapes, faces of saints and any other paintings. Regardless of the technique used, they turn out to be very realistic and even voluminous, especially if the craftswoman perfectly accurately selects not …

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Embroidery is a kind of needlework that has a certain magic. With the help of a set of colored threads, people diligently recreate portraits, landscapes, faces of saints and any other paintings. Regardless of the technique used, they turn out to be very realistic and even voluminous, especially if the craftswoman perfectly accurately selects not only colors and shades. The roots of this type of handicraft are deep, and in each country they are closely connected with national traditions and culture, despite the fact that once in many respects such an occupation was dictated by the desire of people to decorate their life and clothes. In those distant times, there were much fewer opportunities for the implementation of highly artistic ideas.

Products for embroidery
To make stunning embroidery, you don’t need any elaborate gadgets. There would be threads, needles, canvas and a hoop. The rest depends on talent, perseverance and desire to create.

It was not difficult to master these skills before, but today you only need your desires for this. Embroidery products come in a very wide range, especially when it comes to sets. Once upon a time, our grandmothers did a difficult job before picking up a needle. The most difficult thing was to transfer the drawing to the canvas. Maybe that’s why the complexity of the work was not high at that time. And the industry did not produce such a variety of threads. Today the situation is different. The embroidery kits contain not only a hoop, needles, thread and canvas, but also a detailed color scheme, which makes the task fantastically easier.

It should be noted that often embroidery can skillfully hide a fabric defect or a hole in the tablecloth.

From simple to complex or tips from craftswomen
The technique of cross-stitching is the most accessible in complexity for beginners, and experienced craftswomen are not limited by creativity.

Choosing a canvas

Theoretically, no one bothers to embroider on any fabric, but it is the canvas that allows you to make the same distance between the threads and each cross of the same size. Although experienced craftswomen often use a uniform weave canvas, which requires more attention during work. The canvas makes the drawing neat and does not strain the eyes in the process of work, significantly reducing the likelihood of errors. The canvas can be completely filled with crosses or partially. if, nevertheless, gaps are assumed, take this into account when choosing the color of the canvas.

The materials for the canvas are also different:

  • Cotton;
  • Linen;
  • Wool;
  • Plastic or vinyl;
  • Stramin;
  • Mix of cotton and synthetics.

For beginners, an already printed canvas is best suited. This way, the skills, both creating straight crosses, and in the selection of the correct shades of threads, are developed faster.

Selecting threads for embroidery
There are nuances in this issue. If you are a beginner and it is still difficult for you to understand, use the ready-made embroidery kit, where everything is thought out. But if you want to do something that the set won’t give you, then there are some tips:

You need to take the thread with a margin. Firstly, accurate shades are guaranteed, and secondly, they will remain for future paintings, if suddenly the desired shade for some detail is not available;
If you bought threads that you have never used, test them for color fastness – soak the thread in hot water and make 2-3 crosses on a light canvas. This will help you quickly determine if they are shedding or not;
Use yarns from the same manufacturer, as this is guaranteed by the same manufacturing technology and structure – they are equally matte, smooth, shiny, etc.
Choosing needles

For cross stitching, a tapestry needle is more convenient, since it has a wide eye and a slightly blunt tip, which is more convenient for this technique. The larger the weaving of the canvas, the thicker the needle is chosen.

Simple tips for beginners and more

You need to start work from the middle of your circuit.
For beginners, it is recommended to start working with vinyl canvas, as it is more rigid and its edges will not crumble;
If the work has a complex color scheme, start from the place where the largest number of crosses of the same color are;
Consider lighting as embroidery is associated with increased eye strain. If you’re working with a dark canvas, extra light is a must;
The optimal length of the thread during work is 25-30 cm;
It is advisable to iron the work from the inside out and on a towel. So she will keep the volume of the picture;
To quickly find a point on the diagram, paint over the already traversed areas with a lighter marker;
A special machine for embroidery will make it possible to embroider with both hands, which greatly speeds up the whole process;
Do not leave the work in the hoop, so that their marks do not damage the embroidery;
Keep all needles in one place;
If the threads are twisted, lower the needle and thread down, allowing it to spin in the other direction under the weight of the needle;

Do not be alarmed if the canvas gets dirty during the work. Wash it in warm water and laundry soap, squeeze through a towel and pat dry.

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