Of course, you can do without it, and this hardly fundamentally affects the quality of the product. Many people successfully use ordinary cookie and even shoe boxes to store items used in needlework. To some extent, this “simplistic” attitude is due to the high pace of life, when aesthetics often fades into the background. But since the days when handicrafts were born, the culture of having a special box has already existed.
It should be noted that in those days, each craftswoman paid special attention to the appearance of the box, and many preferred to design it on their own. Fantastic beauty caskets made of ivory, precious woods with filigree carvings, inlaid with stones, silver and gilding have survived to our times. They were also covered with fabric and decorated with embroidery, ribbons, and beads. They often had intricate shapes and were upholstered in satin or velvet inside.
Practical little thing
Nowadays, this subject is more required for convenience and practicality. For some, how the box looks also matters, although it is less and less used as an interior decoration. Whatever type of needlework the craftswoman is engaged in, today she can collect a more impressive list of improvised means than her predecessor 100 years ago. All this makes work easier and makes it possible to do complex technical things. Therefore, everything that helps in work should be stored not only in one place, but also in order.
Choosing a casket is not difficult. Its internal space should allow all small devices to be laid out so that they can be quickly found. For example, if you like embroidery (satin stitch, cross stitch, etc.), it will be enough to choose such a box where a set of threads, needles and a hoop will fit. For knitters, a larger box is already needed where knitting needles and skeins of thread can be placed.
The appearance of the box is an important reason to be careful about this. If it is bought for an experienced craftswoman, you can not skimp on expensive design. For a little girl, images of her favorite fairy-tale characters are suitable. And for those who are still only looking for themselves in creativity, you can purchase several boxes in the same style in order to keep order and not mix the sets.
Hobby on the road
If you do not want to deprive yourself of the joy of creativity on vacation or another trip, the box must be chosen, paying attention to a number of nuances:
- Strong locks;
- Small size;
- The strength of the case, including the immunity to moisture.
Summing up, we can say that the box is a necessary purchase, because:
All used items (especially small ones) are in a strictly defined place, so they are easy to find;
You can always take your hobby with you and do it, even when you are not at home;
Choosing a stylish box, you can decorate the interior;
If you stop doing needlework, the box can be used for other items. For example, it will be convenient to store jewelry and other necessary things in it.
Choose or do?
This is a matter of personal preference. If you have an idea and desire to make an individual box, where everything that you plan will be placed in, you will find everything for this in our store. what do you need. But if there is no clear idea yet, you can and should purchase it.
In the store you can find a large assortment of boxes, but before buying, you need to decide the main question – what size it is needed and how its internal space should be distributed.
What to look for
First of all, on the needs of your hobby, namely, what tools you use. For example, knitting takes up more space than sewing.
Also, the fittings should be strong – locks and hinges so that it cannot open spontaneously.
The material from which your box is made should preferably be waterproof. Even if the frame is draped with fabric, it must itself be resistant to moisture.
The box should have a comfortable carrying handle.
Also, pay attention to how easy it is to clean, as anything gets dirty or just dusty over time.