Historically, the origins of needlework go back to those distant times when there was still no industry. But the desire of a person to surround himself with beauty and comfort has always been. Therefore, first of all, women were engaged in needlework for the home. Bed linen, towels, openwork napkins – the basic set of every good housewife since the Middle Ages. In addition, the needlework had quite practical reasons, since the hostess also had to sew clothes for the whole family.
Needlework is not only the source of our culture and art, but also of the educational process, because in Russia it was an obligatory part of a girl’s upbringing. Moreover, it was so popular that not only poor peasant women, but also royal persons were engaged in this. People who had received a good upbringing were not in honor of idleness, therefore, hoops, needles and threads were in every home.
Needlework for the soul
No matter what anyone says, creation is inherent in man to a much greater extent than destruction.
There are several reasons for doing needlework:
- Aesthetic;
- Practical;
- Health and Development Benefits.
Even today, when you can buy any clothes or home textiles, handicraft not only has not sunk into history, but is also developing intensively. There are many more opportunities for this due to the abundance of materials, devices and uniquely beautiful ideas. A hand-made thing has a special quality, especially if it is a gift. This is a sign of special attention, because such a thing requires careful preparation and time for execution. In turn, this speaks of how dear one person is to another, if they thought about him in advance and invested part of their soul.
Modern opportunities for everyone
The presence of a large number of accessories for any type of needlework makes it possible to create unique and even very complex things. We are talking not only about experienced craftswomen, but also beginners and even small children. For example, it is quite easy to master embroidery, quilting, patchwork or creating Tilda dolls thanks to ready-made sets of fabrics, threads and the necessary tools. The sets are pre-selected for the correct and well-combined shades and patterns, and numerous tutorials and tips will help you learn the secrets and techniques.
Needlework is a source of joy and peace of mind, because beautiful things are created from scratch with their own hands, which are not without reason very highly valued in the art world.
Patchwork for the kitchen
A kitchen is a room in every house where the hostess spends a huge amount of time. Therefore, convenience and interior are the main things to always have a good mood. Even the most ordinary thing decorated with patchwork technique will look new and exclusive.
What can be “decorated with a patchwork”
Curtains or light curtains. They can be done in different styles: English, Japanese, chaotic or knitted. The most common and simplest is the English style, when you create a canvas from identical pieces of fabric.
Potholders of various shapes, napkins or hot coasters. They can be made in the colors of the general design concept of your room or made in contrasting colors.
Kitchen apron. Any thick fabric is suitable for him. In this case, you can make the entire apron cloth using the patchwork technique, or just decorate it with applique.
Warmer for a large teapot or teapot. Here you will already get not only a beautiful little thing, but also extremely useful, since this way the heat inside will last longer.
Soft stool cushions. Here, nothing limits the imagination, but we must remember that for this purpose it is better to choose a dense fabric due to the peculiarities of operation.